The NextDoor dings on my phone have been more frequent this year. The swoosh of my Ring app joins the occasion. These high-tech versions of the old “neighborhood watch” can raise our awareness, but also our blood pressure.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s pretty cool to know what’s going on where you live, and where danger might be thanks to cheaper and more efficient technology.
Not that my big old Lab Henry doesn’t do a pretty good job of alerting me, too.
The rise in blood pressure, though, comes from the frequency of the warnings and the news headlines that go along with them. Colorado’s crime rates are soaring, especially violent crime and murder. Oh, aggravated assault too.
Dinner and a Rockies game in Denver will open your eyes to the devastation crime and homelessness have brought to our beautiful capital city, but the daily NextDoor dings will remind you it’s in your suburban neighborhood, too.
Why is this happening?
Denver Gazette: Let us be the voice for Afghanistan’s women
“I’ve felt deep, deep sadness this week for the 19 million women and girls across the earth in Afghanistan. Eleven million women in America head back to college in the coming weeks and 144 women sit in our U.S. Capitol leading our country. Sadly, the women now ruled by the Taliban face a sudden and horrifying shift in their lives that we can’t fathom here.”