Denver Gazette: New paths needed to tomorrow’s job market

Feb 15, 2021

“I sometimes ask my 8-year old twins what they want to be when they grow up. It’s quite fun to hear their answers. A firefighting ninja BBQ chef. A veterinarian ballerina mom. A YouTube star. What I know as a leader at our state’s flagship university, and as an entrepreneur and CEO, is that they’ll likely hold jobs that don’t even exist right now.

3-D printed food chef. Crypto currency banker. Bio-waste optimizer. Some 85% of jobs in 2030 haven’t been invented and many of the jobs people work today won’t exist by then, according to the Institute for the Future.

It’s exciting, scary and daunting for society’s leaders. How do you plan for roads for autonomous networked cars? How do we look to the future of healthcare, or education when the ground is shifting under us? The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) says our children will go through 12 jobs on average in their careers, live much longer than we do now, and may even zip to far-away places without much planning or expense.”

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