Denver Gazette: Refocus public ed on what matters for kids

Jun 28, 2021

My family didn’t have a lot of money when I was growing up, but I got a lot of love, encouragement and inspiration. I also got a good education because my folks were willing to sacrifice to make that happen. I got a scholarship to go to college; I got a shot to start a business doing what I love because I was surrounded by folks who believed in me.


This can be every child’s story when parents and a community stand for their success.


So many kids today are facing huge challenges; many won’t get those same shots I did or that you did. That has to change; it’s why I ran for regent.


I believe that education is the key to keeping the American dream alive.


But I’m worried. Today, that dream is out of reach for far too many young people. And we’re focusing on the wrong things to get it back in reach.

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